This website is outdated. However some content may be still relevant or interesting. Also check out the new website.

Additional charge for advanced features

Complementary products and services:

Extra Components

  • Site Search
    Internal site search for the website to find informations by keywords
    € 279,-
  • Newsletter
    Create and design of a Mail Newsletter.
    from € 499,- 
  • Photoalbum
    from € 349,-
  • Redirection of old links (301 Redirects)
    After a relaunch of a website it must be ensured that all or at least the main old links will still work and redirect to the new structured content.
    € 249,-

Responsive Design

We make the layout of the page fit for viewing on Smartphones and Tablets (images optimized for different screen sizes, changing layout to fit on devices, Adaptation of readability)


System for managing multi-language pages, incl. adding translations for one language
+15% (per additional language +10%)

Outdated Browser Support

IE8: +15%
IE8 & IE7: +25%
IE8 & IE7 & IE6: sorry, no way!


  • E-Mail Adressen
    Set up Google Apps Standard for your own domain.
    Create mail and user accounts.
    € 179,-
  • Google Analytics
    Web analysis and tracking of requests.
    Create a Google Analytics account and connect to the website.
    € 99,-
  • Hourly rate for additional services
    Design, Content Updates, Misc € 85,-
    Concept, Development € 120,-
    (Billing in 15 minute units)

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