This website is outdated. However some content may be still relevant or interesting. Also check out the new website.

Mediadesign & Webservices


Our new webservice, Drupical, goes beta! We are proud to be give something back to support the worldwide Drupal community!

12 years ago
  • drupical logo

7 years is enough for a website, it was time for something new - something different!

12 years ago

Mit dem "mercur'08" prämiert die Wirtschaftskammer Wien Innovationen der Wiener Wirtschaft. Yoga Guide präsentierte sich im Rahmen der Galaveranstaltung am Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2008 dem Publikum.

15 years ago
  • Nico Grienauer, Michael Klobutschar, Elfi Mayr
  • YOGA Guide Logo
Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011

You were always an inspiration.

Thank you!


Anyone who want can pick up a condolence button at our business space...

iPad Twitter Wall

iSad Facebook Site

12 years ago
  • RIP Steve Jobs iSad
  • Steve Jobs iSad Buttons

We look forward to another Drupalcamp, this time from September 17th-18th in Berlin.

13 years ago
  • drupal camp berlin logo
  • screenshot drupal camp berlin website

Im EGGER & LERCH Report 02/07 wird auf 2 Seiten von der neuen Webseite berichtet.

16 years ago